Es_Shine Unto Them

Hermano Gasper from Mexico

Brother Gasper faithfully attends the Spanish Church in Robbinsville every week, he has been in the States for 3 years and is so grateful to be able to have a place to congregate and hear God’s word in Spanish.

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Brother Gasper faithfully attends the Spanish Church in Robbinsville every week, he has been in the States for 3 years and is so grateful to be able to have a place to congregate and hear God’s word in Spanish. He is praying to soon be able to return to Mexico to his family. He calls his wife and children every week and sends them funds to be able to make it. We pray for the many men who like Gasper are making a sacrifice to better their families, and we know that God’s word in their hearts will make all the difference when they return to Mexico.